Aeroseal Duct Sealing

Aeroseal by Indoor Air Professionals

What is duct sealing with Aeroseal by Indoor Air Professionals?
It is a process in which a non-toxic aerosol mist seeks out and plugs leaks in duct work. It is the ONLY duct sealant technology that is applied from the INSIDE of the duct system.

How long has it been around?
Since 1994. It was developed at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory.

Where can it be used?
Residential and Commercial duct systems.

What are the benefits?
Even temperatures in all rooms, reduced energy consumption, less stress on the HVAC system, seals leaks in ducts that are not accessible (hidden in walls etc.)

Is the process warrantied?
The application is warrantied for 10 years residentially and 3 years commercially. (Sealant and labor).

Where has this technology been featured?
PBS-TV This Old House (season 12 episode 20), YouTube, HPAC (Heating, Piping, Air Conditioning) Engineering Magazine (March 4, 2013) and others.

Can the Aeroseal process be used on both flex and rigid ducts?
Yes, however flex ducts need to be in good condition (no rips, tears, decay).

How much of the sealant remains in the system after application?
Typically, only 1-2 ounces of sealant remains in the system after application.

How long does a residential application process take?
On average 4 hours, depending on the size of the home and the necessary prep work involved.

How long does a commercial application take?
Each project will be different depending upon the size of the building, access to the site, the number of HVAC systems present and the necessary prep work involved.

How effective is the Aeroseal process?
Reductions in duct leakage of up to 90% have been documented regularly.

Do the ducts need to be cleaned before they are sealed?
Any duct work with more than 1/8” buildup of debris should be cleaned. Would you apply wax to a dirty car?


  • 2011 Best new Product Award- This Old House Magazine
  • “Best of What’s New Award” – Popular Science Magazine
  • “Energy 100 Award” – US Dept. of Energy
  • 2012 EBie Award – Green Building Council
  • 2016 AHR Innovation Awards Gold Medal

Why should I hire Indoor Air Professionals for my duct sealing project?

  • Pioneers and experts in the Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) industry since 1993.
  • Highly trained and certified technicians
  • Thousands of completed duct cleaning projects
  • The only WNY Aeroseal dealer licensed for both residential and commercial jobs.

Contact us to learn more information - Call 800-683-0021